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Sadder Words Couldn’t Be Written


Submitted By George McClellan


  It appears everything in Washington is crooked and on the take. Not just Congress but the FBI, the CIA, the Justice Department, the Pentagon, the Generals, literally everyone in Washington including those in the past administration. Add to all this Silicon Valley and the social media, cable news, a biased media, and foreign intervention. These groups amalgamated to become the Deep State.
President Trump didn’t have a chance. He walked into this mess four years ago and tried to clean the swamp. But the swamp monster ate him alive piece by piece starting on Day 1. Unfortunately his actions over the past few weeks in disputing the election had a small roll for the events at the capital. All the good he did over the past four years wiped away.

He’s a marked man for the rest of his life!!!

So where does he go now? Where can he live? What is the impact on his family. As one top general said yesterday, he’s a great leader without a country.

The changes that are coming will have time to affect senior citizens and will impact their children and grandchildren.

The coronavirus impact on our country is mild compared to what lies ahead.

Now you understand why there was never any action against the Clinton’s or Obama.

How they destroyed emails and evidence and phones and servers,
how they spied and wiretapped,
how they lied to the FISA Court,
had conversations on the tarmac, sent emails to cover their asses after key meetings,

how Comey and Brennan and Clapper were never brought to any justice,
how the FBI and CIA lied, how the Steele Dossier was passed along,
how phones got factory reset,
how leak after leak to an accomplice media went unchecked, – why George Soros is always in the shadows,
why they screamed Russia and pushed a sham impeachment,
why no one ever goes to jail,
why no one is ever charged,
why nothing ever happens.

Why there was no wrongdoing in the FISA warrants,
why the Durham report was delayed.
Why Hunter will walk Scott free. (Diaper wearing Joe will give his whole family pardons)
Why the FBI sat on the laptop.

Why the Biden’s connection to China was overlooked and then they unleashed the perfect weapon, a virus that could be weaponized politically to bring down the greatest ever economy and usher in unverifiable mail in voting.

Why the media is 24/7 propaganda and lies,
why up is down and down is up, right is wrong and wrong is right.
Why social media silences the First Amendment and speaks over the President of the United States.

This has been the plan by the Deep State all along. They didn’t expect Trump to win in 2016. He messed up their plans. Delayed it a little. They weren’t about to let it happen again. COVID-19 was weaponized, Governors helped shut down their states, the media helped shame and kill the economy, and the super lucky unverifiable mail in ballots were just the trick to make sure the career politician allegedly with hands in Chinese payrolls that couldn’t finish a sentence or collect a crowd, miraculously became the most popular vote recipient of all time.

You have just witnessed a coup, the overthrow of the US free election system, the end of our constitutional republic, and the decline of capitalism into the slide toward socialism. What will happen next?

Expect the borders to open up. Increased immigration. Expect agencies like CBP and INS and Homeland Security to be muzzled or even deleted.Law enforcement will see continued defunding. The electoral college will be gone. History erased. Two Supreme Court Justices might be removed. The Supreme Court will be packed. Your 2nd Amendment will be attacked. If you have a manufacturing job or oil industry job, get ready. If you run a business, brace for impact. Maybe you’ll be on the hook for slavery reparations, or have your suburbs turned into Section 8 housing. Your taxes are going to go up, and businesses will pay more. I could go on and on.

There is no real recovery from this. The elections from here on will be decided by New York, Illinois, and California.

The Republic will be dead. Mob rule and appeasement will run rampant. The candidate who offers the most from the Treasury will get the most votes. But the votes voted won’t matter, just the ones received and counted. That precedent has been set. “Benjamin Franklin was walking out of Independence Hall after the Constitutional Convention in 1787, when someone shouted out, ‘Doctor, what have we got? A republic or a monarchy?'” Franklin responded, “A republic, if you can keep it.”

Ladies and gentlemen, you will now lose your Republic. You turned from God. You turned from family. You turned from country. You embraced degeneracy culture. You celebrated and looked to fools. You worshipped yourselves selfishly as you took for granted what men died to give you. You disregarded history and all it teaches. On your watch, America just died a little. It’s likely she’ll never be the same again. Some of you have no idea what you’ve done. Sadly, some of you do.

And who has the guts to share this with friends and family that voted for Biden?

“A lie doesn’t become truth, wrong doesn’t become right and evil doesn’t become good just because it’s accepted by a majority”~ Booker T. Washington

George Orwell’s New Speak and Other Nonsense

Opinion, Politics

Written and submitted by George McClellan


The more things change the more they stay the same, not necessarily so, but old words and phrases once used by radical elements in pre-Soviet Russia to define and vilify who they were against, have simply become new words and phrases in pre-Maoist Americas meaning exactly the same thing with the same end in view, collectivization and complete state control. The only difference being, they are talking to new audiences, our past two generations of lost young Americans. We saw it coming, we were warned and we still let it happen: Antifa’s & BLM!


In Russia’s revolution of 1917, the term “Class Struggle,” was coined to represent the fight by the Marxist Proletariat (workers and soldiers), against the Bourgeois (royals, land owners, farmers & industrialists). That term today has been remolded to “Cancel Culture,” a “Woke” attack against Americas middle class; instead of peasants & soldiers, versus producers, we’ve been relegated by our betters through hate and envy, into separate class structures as victims, the easier for Marxists to either glorify and raise or vilify, demean and ultimately destroy, according to the “New Speak” theme of the Day!  It changes daily!


Case in point, Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York, a tough talking, in your face, git’er done blowhard Italian politician, once the darling of the Democrat Party destined for Presidential greatness, his legacy alas, now in tatters because the “Woke” crowd has deemed him a liability and no longer an asset. Cuomo strayed from the strict Marxist path, exposed himself to compromising ridicule and now faces the fate of George Orwell’s poor hapless citizen, Winston Smith. Cuomo will probably not get a bullet in the back of his head, but will suffer a life forever in obscurity, unsung, unloved and destined to become a pitiful example of failing to adhere to strict Marxist dogma. Any Democrat who strays is expendable to Party discipline, except idiots and sexual predators who become President. They will be protected! Cuomo will go down fighting, but he will go down. The Democrat Motto: “Admit nothing, deny everything and blame somebody else” didn’t work!  Cuomo tried but failed and to Big Brother, failure is not an option. Womanizing is okay just so long  as you don’t get caught at it. Let the Party provide your sexual entertainment, Don’t seek it yourself, it’s not prudent, and as often fatal!


In the time of Rome’s greatest peril, encircled as they were by Barbarians, Visigoths and Huns, the feckless Roman emperor’s produced Circus’s and bloody entertainments to pacify its citizens so they wouldn’t notice their treasury being squandered by frivolity, unproductive enterprises and worst, leaving unpaid soldiers to fume. We see this right now with Pelosi’s $1.9 Trillion spending bill (forget Biden, he’s nothing). This is all Pelosi and Schumer doing the bidding of the corporate New World Order crowd. Not to forget, China is sitting on the horizon patiently bidding its time, ready to become the masters of the New World Order.


Speaking of circus’s, how did Megan and Harry suck the air out of such really pressing news items as he border crisis with Biden’s invited disease laden, unskilled peasant wannabe laborers crashing our borders to infect our American culture while receiving free stimulus money, housing and healthcare to boot? The Party of Pelosi and Schumer fed billions of our treasury dollars into failed Blue States and Blue City coffers to restore their bankrupt union pension funds while other unAmerican distractions, like legitimizing sexual perversions, damaging real women’s rights, and worst, leaving unaddressed the threats our protectors of society, policemen, firemen and soldiers must endure all while still trying to pacify us citizens with circus type entertainments so we don’t see the coming disaster! Megan & Harry be damned! Americans have got to get their heads out of their arse’s and Democrats out of Govt.!

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ’em! (10Mar21)

Backlash, by Consent of the People

Opinion, Politics

Written And Submitted By George McClellan


The witch trial is over, Trump survived and his enemies are storing away the faggots of fire tinder for his public burning. The dunking stool, once favored by more civilized societies as a method of ridding themselves of undesirables are, in a few states where GOP turncoats voted with the Devil, being resurrected. Sad, very sad!


This show trial business was a thoughtless and dividing exercise in hateful revenge. Nothing more! The Republican party can no longer be fully trusted and right now, many of the GOP swamp dwellers who voted to maintain the status quo by voting against their President, are sweating out probable repercussions from an outraged Trump base in their own states. The Trump base is not going away as the RiNO’s hoped! The anti-Trump GOPer’s have lost their grip on their reality, reliability and trustfulness and many will be looking for the exit door before getting cashiered by the new crowd forming up across America determined to turn them out. It’s Trumps GOP now if he wants it. Watch the sniveling snowflake republican politicians start to reverse course. Case in point, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, who called Trump responsible for the Capitol attack, quickly reversed himself, made the trip to Trump’s Florida estate to be first in line to kiss the ring and see if there was any hard feelings. 


But, already, within hours, the Louisiana GOP unanimously voted to censure their senior Senator, Bill Cassidy for his vote to convict President Trump expressing their profound disappointment in his dastardly actions and demanding his resignation. These people have forgotten that representative government, and votes taken, is to be by the consent of the people, not the grievance of a politician. To lose that consent is to have a hard row to hoe. 


Who’s left? The ultimate traitor to Conservatives, Mitt Romney has, we are told “a strong base in Utah,” but that’s questionable. He might have a harder time then he realizes. Lisa Murkowski from Alaska has been courting trouble ever since she’s been id’ed as a RiNO, Sen. Richard Burr of NC, (any relation to Aaron?), Benn Sasse of Neb and Pat Toomey of Pa. who is on his way out anyway, all face potential reprisals at home. Stay tuned!


How these people cling to the Constitution as an excuse for their perfidy is laughable. That goes for all politicians. Sen Cassidy, going all in, said: “Our Constitution and our country is more important than any one person. I voted to convict President Trump because he is guilty.”  If Sen. Cassidy had listened to the evidence instead of nurturing his own personal hatred of Trump, he might have enjoyed an understanding of exactly what the Constitution is and how it works. 


In Wyoming there are angry demands that Rep. Liz Chaney resign her office at once and, right here in Georgia, a recall effort has started to remove Governor Kemp and Secretary of State Raffensperger for their utter contempt of Georgia’s Voting laws, and failing to conduct proper post election inquiries of alleged voter fraud resulting in a loss of the people’s trust. If we have friends like them, who needs enemies? 


For Trump base, his acquittal was a vindication. I don’t usually trust polls but, according to Gallup, Trump’s approval stands at 82%, Monmouth University poll reports 72% of Republicans absolutely believe Joe Biden is president because of voter fraud while remarkably, Marjorie Taylor Greene’s fellow House Republicans overwhelmingly voted to defend her despite being relieved from two House committee assignments for her pro-Trump heresy. Keep an eye on the next few days. Times are a changing and we’re witness to it. More later! Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ’em! (13Feb21)

Collins Bill to Honor Fallen Marine Sent to President’s Desk

Press Release, State & National


WASHINGTON—The Senate last night voted unanimously to pass H.R. 3821, legislation to rename Georgia’s Clermont Post Office in honor of Zack T. Addington. Rep. Doug Collins (R-Ga.) introduced the bill this September, and it passed the House in November.

“Lance Corporal Zack Addington represents the selfless courage that’s cultivated in northeast Georgia, and I’m excited to see this bill leave Congress and head to the president’s desk for his signature,” said Collins.

Collins also honored Addington when he spoke about the bill on the House floor.


Known to his neighbors as Zack, Addington joined the United States Marine Corps in 1967. A native of Clermont, he became a rifleman in the 3rd Marine Division of the Fleet Marine Force and deployed to Vietnam that year. Addington was promoted to Lance Corporal and served his country honorably until he was killed in action in May 1968.

That June, Addington received the Purple Heart, National Defense Service Medal, Vietnam Service Medal and Republic of Vietnam Campaign Ribbon in recognition of his service there.

Collapse or Political Theatrics?


The skinny figure of Obama racing onto the American political stage in a fruitless attempt to
claim credit for Trump’s economic success is one visible symptom of the inevitable collapse of
the Democratic party. Or is it? The theatrics of politics is often funny, sometimes hypocritical and
ofttimes dangerous, the players not skilled as thespians, but earnestly deadly.

Other symptoms are all around us. The uncivil behavior of Democrat Senators Cory Booker and
Kamala Harris, both hopefuls for the 2020 Democrat presidential nomination, disrupting the
Kavanaugh hearings even before they got started; the scheming plan by Chuckie Schumer to fill
the senate judicial hearing chamber with protestors, one of which was later photographed
outside receiving a cash payment from a radical leftist organizer; the absolutely asinine, last
minute revelation of an anonymous letter breathlessly alleging a sexual assault by Judge
Kavanaugh in his high school years. Where did that aging blowhard, California Senator Diane
Feinstein, come up with something that? Desperation, that’s where!

Former senator, failed Secretary of State and Ketchup heir, John Kerry (who has three purple
hearts from paper cuts he received in Vietnam), is actively undermining US policy on Iran by
illegally running off to advise the Iranians on how to out-wait Trumps presidency. He admits it.
Can he be charged with treason? These are only a few of the derangement symptoms currently
on display by radical leftist democrats.

Of course Feinstein, in all her pious seriousness immediately forwarded the anonymous
missive, like any good citizen would, to the FBI where, presumably it was received by them with
the contempt it so richly deserved, “Oh hum” and a quick trip to the round file.
Mr. John Kerry, has been upbraided by President Trump and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo,
for activities “unseemly and unprecedented” meaning treasonous, and Kerry’s fall back position
is to tell the President to read his book, Every Day is Extra. Knowing Kerry’s long known far left
radical sympathies, it isn’t difficult to assume his book is but a conflated list of excuses for his
socialist leaning diplomatic failures. Remember, like Obama, John Kerry too has a legacy to

Will the Democrats penchant to continually grasp for symbols of their heroism, never end? Why
does Cory Booker believe he had an “I am Spartacus” moment? Why did the leftist media claim
Obama’s return to the political stage was as “the Return of the Jedi?” These are serious

And of course the biggest piece of democrat theatrics ever conceived, the Mueller Investigation
of Donald Trumps (alleged) collusion with those scheming Russians, continues apace in the
medias efforts to throw off the collusion by Hillary Clinton onto the shoulders of Donald Trump.

Nearly two years have passed and the only true and actual collusion found was committed by
the Democrats, especially the yet un-indited criminal Hillary Clinton. The evidence, not symbols,
of her criminality and treason are no longer so opaque they can’t be dealt with almost
immediately after the DoJ is finally purged of it’s Orwellian Obama obstructionists.

The raft of Leftist millennials, especially females, running for congress, seem to be out of touch
but, that’s because they are but youthful amateurs not skilled in the art of dissemblege, yet!  When
they do, we had better be prepared for ‘em because they won’t be acting. Remember, freedom
is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (15Sept18)

FYN Interviews Rebbeca Yardley on Georgia’s 2018 Sine Die – Last Day of Legislative Session

Politics, State & National

It’s Sine Die day, that means it’s the last day of the 2018 Legislative Session! Interviews First Vice Chairman of Georgia Congress 9th District GOP Rebecca Yardley on the experience and what to expect from the Georgia Capitol today!


Short Takes – American’s, Starved For Decency


American’s, Starved For Decency

“Live and let live” was once a cherished but un-codified phrase that kept us from punching each other’s headlights out over minor disagreements on any number of subjects. It has been swept away by the political philosophy of socialism that demands complete control over everything, the rule of laws be damned. At the local level it’s best seen in the rising incidents of road rage.

Democrats calling for “resistance” have shed all pretense of civility to “live and let live.” It’s to be their way or no way. A year and a half out, they still haven’t grasped the truth that they are no longer in charge of the federal government. All that’s left for them is to yap and snip at the heels of the real leader we now have in Donald Trump, and his supporters.

The politeness scenario that once guided our debates, has been swept away by hysterical

Democrats desperate to retain any claim on power. Three successive national elections have left Democrats stunned. Searching for other methods of maintaining relevance and with no more arguments left in their playbook except “Stop Trump”, they have turned to their chapter on anarchy and are actively encouraging attacks on conservatives through intimidating, in your face name calling, screaming spittle frothing epitaphs and character defamation screeds. When democrats wielded power they used the Dept. of Justice and the now corrupted FBI, not to mention the IRS, to eliminate their opponents. For Democrats, civility is gone, lies are commonplace and to ignore all ideas other than their Marxist scribblings, is expected.  

That simple phrase, “live and let live,” encompassed principles that, along with an understanding of the ten commandments, guided us as citizens to live together in peace and harmony and accept the differences. We went together to the 4th of July parades and picnics, the evening fireworks, Veterans day events and all the pro-American programs that reflected American’s pride, and we did it without fighting one another. Americans are starved for decency.

The Socialist theories of economic control, that has taken over the whole of the Democrat Party, and has infiltrated GOP ranks, might explain why Republicans have long been accused of not fighting back, but going along to get along with the Socialists to the point of even agreeing that what the Democrat-Socialist party wanted was really good for America.

Our streets are on fire and it’s the Democrats doing. Alarmed American’s quickly organized under the Tea Party banner to figure out a way to do what the Republican weren’t doing, fighting back. But, Tea Party members didn’t run around attacking Democrats, destroying property or stealing campaign signs from supporters yards, or defacing bumper stickers.

When Republicans controlled only the House of Representatives, and the Tea Party was clearly considered a dissident group in danger of actually damaging the “Deep State”, liberal politicians, MSM journalists and “Moderate Republicans,” saw no need to be civil toward the Tea Partiers and the stage was set for where we are today, both parties in disarray, as they should be, and little can be done to remedy it. Nothing heals faster than open wounds, properly treated.

“Demands for civility almost always come from people who lost their own right to the respect they expect. The last resort of someone who has run out of good moral arguments is lies, innuendoes, falsehoods and now, resistance. Democrats have lost the stage on which to act out their identity as politicians and have turned into the anarchists they now are. They’re desperate  Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (28Jun18) Georgia State House Representative District 8 Debate

Community, Election, Election 2018, FYNTV, Politics, State & National



Georgia State House Representative District 8 Debate with the Incumbent Matt Gurtler vs. Candidate Mickey Cummings.

Join us on Good Morning from the Office every weekday starting at 8AM! We will be featuring Fetch Your News TV personality BKP and his political opinion, and anything goes!

Have a question, comment, or want to be on the show? Call or text 706-889-9700.


Short Takes – See What Trump Has Wrought


See What Trump has Wrought

Rumor has it that the GOP will suffer terrible losses in 2018, an off year election losses that comes as surely as Elm blight comes in January. Rumor also has it that the Democrats may survive their current malise and sweep all before them in the off year election, if the had something to offer. A return of Obamacare perhaps, or more perverts in bathrooms? How about making all of America a “sanctuary” country by law? Yes, that should do it. Good selling points.

Why is it assumed that the alternative to the GOP should be a Democrat? They have moved so far to the “Left” as to be no longer recognizable as an American institution. They are a facsimile replica of the old Communist Party USA, an odious group of Marxist-Leninist social engineers whose goal, as a political philosophy, was top down “collectivism.” Losers for over 100 years.

American’s already cast their vote for change when they elected Donald Trump despite the screaming establishment GOP’ers who fought against him and the purveyors of doom and gloom, the geriatric Democrat leadership who fear the truth of Trump’s “Make America Great Again” program could doom them forever. We now know Trump was not bombast but a man of action. We took our chances as voters sick and tired of “diversity and multiculturalism, lying and stealing, Hillary Clinton and her Money laundering foundation and, we see it’s working.

It has taken a year for the “Establishment” GOP to realize that Trump, like a bulldozer, has made changes never thought possible. That’s what Americans wanted, a fighter, not a phony group name that was scared to do anything against the supposed might of the Democrat colossus that wielded power for themselves, not Americans, like they were entitled to it.

Democrat programs have turned out to be a concoction of lies designed solely to social engineer American society into a diverse, multicultural collection of perverts, homosexuals, transgenders and other victims that would keep the Democrats in power. Americans do not want “sanctuary cities” harboring illegal criminals, protecting them from the consequences of their crimes. Americans do not want perverts sharing bathroom facilities with their little children. Americans do not want “collectivism” as their guiding principles but rather would prefer a return to some level of moral and cultural certainty based on the centuries of Judaeo-Christian moral codes that made America great.

For 2018, Trump’s successes are out in the open for all to see. Passing the major overhaul of the “Progressive Tax Plan,” including all but killing off Obamacare by eliminating the odious mandate to buy the thing, is a success that should be trumpeted daily. Let Democrat politicians try to explain why they voted against tax cuts when the rewards start flowing in simply  because they didn’t like Trump? Republicans had best get on board and help Trump, not hinder him.

Americans are vaguely aware that the  EPA is being reduced and its unconstitutional laws, rules and regulations are being rolled back returning to property owners control of their own property. The Dept. of Energy, under former Texas Governor Rick Perry, is likewise making changes to advance America’s role in the energy sector. Now, we’re selling energy, not buying it.

Another occurrence this past week that made the Democrats go berserk was Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as the legitimate capital of Israel. That act alone flushed out the real enemies of the US, the third world nations in the UN enjoying the generosity of American taxpayers. Supported by Nikki Haley that could bode ill for them. Americans want out of the UN!

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (21Dec17)

Short Takes – Abdication



The decline of America’s two political parties is not a surprise. They have cheated America’s voters leaving them searching for Constitutional alternatives. The GOP’s abdication of its conservative principles presents a signal problem that can no longer be ignored; problems that voters saw coming and attempted to fix in 2012, 2014 and 2016, without success, is evidence enough that the GOP is broken and represents nobody except themselves. They don’t want to do anything lest they rock the boat and lose favor with their money suppliers and the media. The GOP has clearly abdicated its role as America’s conservative party. In other words, there isn’t one any more. They GOP elites didn’t get the message.

The Marxist controlled Democrat party holds no effective power in government except to act as obstructionists. Their leadership is composed of geriatric, old Marxists and Progressives, products of the 1960’s anti-Vietnam war era, still searching for the magic formula that will enable them to complete their socialization America, interrupted by Donald Trump. Count them gone.

For Conservatives, the Republican party has long claimed they held the key to salvation until we learned, and are still learning, that they are in fact liars, cheats and shills for big government and the cash that flows from it. There are some serious exceptions like David Perdue, Tom Cotton, Mike Lee and maybe even Tom Cruz. The party has more than its share of treacherous villains like the unprincipled John McCain and feckless leftist, Susan Collins among others, who join the Democrats in obstructing the Conservative agenda, that Donald Trump seized and gave voice to the deep concerns of many Americans about the direction the socialists were taking America.

How do we solve the problem? A new party? Nope!  No matter what it’s called a new party will simply not work. The Libertarians have been out there for years and have not advanced above the popularity level they first achieved since the beginning. I agree they are Constitutional conservatives, with exceptions, and it’s those exceptions that have them stalled in third place.

The only course available for conservative Republicans, independents and Democrats alarmed at the deceit of the Ruling Caste, is to replace the old GOP, member by member, in primary challenges by conservative candidates until the whole rotten GOP house of cards collapses.  

Why? Because that’s where the money is. That’s where the donations come to, that’s the crucible of corruption, that’s the seat of power and that’s the swamp Trump wants to drain. It must be done and it can’t be done from outside. The formation of new parties with their petty individual demands, would turn America into a squabbling cacophony of incompetent, third rate politicians, a mirror image example of the socialist European Union, especially Germany.  

Conservative Americans want a return of their personal liberty and respect for their individual achievements. The GOP is not giving it, but Trump is. He has identified several issues that will restore those lost liberties: eliminating Obama’s regulatory state, cutting taxes, creating jobs, enforcing immigration laws, and attempting to fix the Republican healthcare fiasco. Trump is trying to reshape policy in these areas, as Americans want. Apparently the GOP won’t help but insist that they, acting as our ruling class, are too important to be removed.

Trump’s success will positively impact America for generations to come. Can there be a constitutional renewal in America? Not if our betters have anything to say about it. It’s time to replace them. We can start by re registering as Independents. Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (25Sep17)

Short Takes – DACA’s Demise


Who should Get The Respect?


Who Should Get the Respect?

Just what is it with this tawdry business of the NFL players not paying due respect to America’s precious emblems, especially our flag and National Anthem? It might have all started with that former German NFL Quarterback who looks like a burned tumbleweed, but it didn’t. He was the flash point for another Leftist attack on American men, part of the Left’s campaign to feminize American men by attacking the NFL from a direction other than the notion about dangerous concussions and lifelong injuries to athletes doing their jobs. What is shocking is the NFL’s jumping in to help with their own destruction.

Actually, when I first saw Kaepernick (that’s German, isn’t it?) kneeling two seasons ago during the singing of the National Anthem I thought at first he would be in big trouble for praying. It impressed me that he was humbling himself before God for his good fortune of being born an American, raised by a loving family and accepted into the ranks of America’s greatest spectacle of sports, NFL football, as a highly paid performer. I thought he would be crushed like they crushed Tim Tebow when he acknowledged his adulation to a higher power for his skills.

Then he spoke. Oh, no, he knelt because of some conceived idea about how bad blacks were still being treated by the racists police in American, wantonly killing them as they pleased and keeping them from advancement and achieving the American dream. Where did that crap come from? He makes a higher income in one game then I will in the remainder of my lifetime.

Then we learned he has a new girlfriend, in New York City, who is not only a striking beauty and a newscaster, but a Muslim as well. Now the plot thickens. Not only have the feminists found a way into neutering machismo American men (concussions), but now it appears the verbal Jihadists are in the game as well. What a surprise.

The law of unintended consequences once again revealed itself. Somehow, the leaders of the NFL thought it important enough to involve the entire NFL enterprise, every team, staff member and player, in the controversy. The Pittsburgh Steelers got top billing not only because their underprivileged head coach, an American of African descent as well as a Clinton donor and fundraiser, Mike Tomlin, counseled that the entire team should stay in barracks until the completion of the National Anthem. But, he got pissed that one player, Alejandro Villanueva, disobeyed and did present himself in public showing respect for America. No matter Villanueva was a West Point grad and a decorated Ranger trained Captain of Infantry with combat experience, he disrespected his team mates. But, did he? No, he disrespected the stupid idea that they were better than the country they lived in and the warriors that make it happen.

So, was it Donald Trump’s emotional outburst that precipitated the whole NFL orgy of self-gratification, or a media excuse to find another way to denounce their hated Trump? When I heard the comment, “sons of bitches’, I wasn’t offended or even shocked. He took the words right out of my mouth. I knew his comment was general and not directed at any individual. I was proud that my non politically correct president is still telling it like it is.

Apart from team Steelers and its management looking like the complete fools they are, the sales of Villanueva’s Jersey’s shot through the roof. Don’t you just love free enterprise! My views here are not conflicted at all. That team should have been on the field and, instead of taking the knee in prayer, each individual member should have been given the option of staying inside their safe space until the anthem was over or, remaining on the field and rendering the respect due.

The disrespect shown by decisions of the NFL, some individual team owners and coaches to our selfless warriors, police and first responders, is incomprehensible especially as the arrest rate of black NFL players has risen to nearly one a week. That’s a cultural problem.

I wonder how many actual veterans there are within the ranks of the NFL, blacks and whites. Who should get respect? Who earns it? Players who beat up their wives and girl friends, shoot up nightclubs and do drugs, or the lowly paid Infantry slug just returned from a combat tour?

America is filled with people possessing different notions of what constitutes the good life. Is it bravery, heroism and duty while proudly wearing the government’s uniform, or reaping in big salaries for being good at a sport? NFL players are in it for the money. No problem. There is no other reason for facing crushing injuries once a week for three months a year, other than getting paid big bucks for it. I got it! If a man can make a good living playing football because he’s fast and agile, can catch balls and tackle runners, then he surely earns his rewards. But, do not disrespect the soldier or policeman. That’s an attitude problem.

Unlike the combat soldier who goes into battle, whose financial rewards are minuscule but include the 50-50 chance of permanent injury or death, with a small insurance stipend waiting,  the NFL football player can look forward to the big payoffs, homes, flash cars and liquid screen TV’s for their mama’s.

If the NFL thinks they’ve won some battle because Trump called them SOB’s, they are sorely mistaken. Americans are fed up with this Leftist social engineering crap, and, to now infect the NFL with it because of political correctness, is to doom it to an oblivion faster than the Grand Old Party will get there.

Pro football is an entertainment. People pay for entertainment. People will learn quickly enough  to do without it because every community has peewee, Junior and Senior High School league football where their attention to mayhem can be directed, and their devotion to bravery and personal achievement can still be realized.

Somebody out there had better make a decision and soon. The road of life is paved with flat squirrels who couldn’t make a decision.

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (26Sep17)

Short Takes – Trump Didn’t Do It


Short Takes – Symbolism, The Key to Hate?


That Gun Argument Again


That Gun Argument Again…

Good ol’ Sen. Diane Feinstein (D- Ca). She can always be counted on to reveal the obvious. On Sunday’s edition of Meet the Press, she said: “the U.S. is a “gun happy country,…“and I think there are many of us in growing numbers that don’t want a gun-happy country.” Of course she’s wrong but was referring to the annual deaths of Americans by gun fire. She could have said the US is a gun-savvy country but that wouldn’t have fit the Progressive narrative needed to disarm all American, to protect us from gun violence, a la Las Vegas.

Last weeks mass murder in Las Vegas, by a deranged, white millionaire gunman who shot himself to death before his apprehension, gave the anti-self-defense and anti-second amendment crowd another platform of self-serving outrage to attack our Constitution.

Let’s change one word in her sentence and see where that goes: “The U.S. is a car happy country…and I think there are many of us in growing numbers who don’t want a car happy country.” Or, “The US is a hammer-happy Country…etc. & etc.” I substitute cars and hammers because these two inanimate objects account for more killings in America  than guns do.

The Progressives, like Diane Feinstein, a multi-millionaire, can hire gun toting bodyguards to safeguard her person but, that’s really only from attempts at assassinations. Most Americans are subject to the sudden armed assault on the mean streets of America, or home invasions, or attempts at car-jacking from mall parking lots. These people need to defend themselves.

One third of all gun deaths in America, apart from the body count occasioned by the Las Vegas murders, are suicides. More people are killed in domestic assaults by hammers than guns and the score racked up by vehicles, jihadists included, outpaces them all.

So, why the assault specifically against firearms and not hammers and cars? All three are inanimate objects. All three require a human being to actuate them and all three are capable of killing, yet it is only the firearm, the possession of which is specifically permitted to Americans, as enshrined in the 2d Amendment, yet still stands as a horror to Progressive politicians.

The Anti-gunners argue that hammers and cars are needed daily by society to grow and guns are not. And there they miss the big picture. Society is growing and as it does it generates its own class of citizens who do not wish to participate. They won’t swing a hammer, or buy a car but they’ll go out of their way to possess a gun. What does a street creep want with a gun  except to intimidate others, steal from them the rewards of their labor and leave a trail of dead bodies. Why do Progressives, like Diane Feinstein, want to deny Americans their right to self-defense from such predators?

Worse, the Founders clearly foresaw the dangers of Progressive governments, human nature being what it is, growing into a totalitarian state that, to defend itself, threatens all citizens. They foresaw the indispensable right of those citizens to especially be able to defend themselves from government despotism. And that’s what scares the hell out of Diane Feinstein, et. al..

One statistic I have omitted but is available for confirmation is, that thus far, all the mass shooting outrages committed in the USA, since Columbine, have been committed by either committed Liberals or registered Democrats. Therefore, the logical answer is to prohibit Democrats from owning firearms. Simple, isn’t it?  Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now go get ‘em! (10Oct1)

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