Public Affairs Officer Speaks on the Incident at the COVID Testing Location

Today I learned about an incident that allegedly occurred between Christmas and New Year’s Day regarding the long lines for COVID testing in Dawson County.
While people were waiting in line for COVID testing, many were apparently shouting in protest at how long it was taking. One man allegedly walked in with a golf club and shattered the door to the testing center. Another man allegedly took the door off the hinges.
I am appalled that this happened in our county.
A year and a half ago, everyone cooperated and waited patiently in long lines for COVID testing. What has changed? I think it is reacting to two full years of frustration on many levels, including other situations, both political and worldwide. However, that is not an excuse for bad behavior. We are all better than that.
The reason I am posting this is to remind everyone to act better, to be patient, to understand that all healthcare workers are there to help you and that they are working as quickly as they can.
I have included a Be Kind coloring page and would love to see your artwork – color it and post for all to see!
~ Laura Fulcher, Public Affairs Officer

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