CORRECTION: Dawson Village Partners plan for 2,700-home development attracts strong opposition from Dawson County residents


NOTE: The dates for the planning commission hearing and Board of Commissioners hearing were incorrectly published in the initial reporting of this article. We apologize for any confusion The correct dates are listed below.

DAWSONVILLE, Ga. -Dawsonville Village Partners is proposing a mixed-use development to be located on a 974-acre site at the northwest corner of the intersection of Lumpkin Campground Road and Ga. 400 west, crossing the Etowah River and reaching Etowah River Road.

The Dawson County Planning Commission will hear a request to rezone the property to Mixed Use Village on Tuesday, March 19. The request will go before the Board of Commissioners April 18. Both hearings will be held in the County Administration Building at 6 p.m. and the public is invited to attend and speak in opposition to or in favor of the proposal.

The plan also calls for a 350-home, age-restricted senior community, a continuing-care retirement community, approximately 338,000 square feet of retail space and more than 243,000 square feet of office space, a luxury hotel, conference center, central park and walking trails.

Developers believe the project will provide a “destination” to attract visitors and encourage them to stay longer and spend more money in the county.

But opponents worry the mega development will over burden an already challenged infrastructure and destroy the quality of life in Dawson County.

Residents have taken to Facebook pages like Focus on Dawson and Dawson Discussion to voice their opinion.

Gina Wilson Schulte asked, “Why would you oppose this. It brings jobs and tax money to Dawson County.”

But Schulte was in a very small minority of posters. The overwhelming majority expressed strong opposition.

Dava Hudgins, for example, posted, “2,700 more houses? We don’t have the infrastructure for what we already have, including water and sewer. Our police force is stretched as it is. There is no budget for more. We don’t need this kind of development.”

Jennifer Dyer stated, “This looks like a nightmare.”

Kelley Crane posted, “I came here 20 years ago to get away from this c_ _ _. Why is this happening to our quiet little town?”

Douglas S. Davis asked, sarcastically, “Is this going to lower my taxes like the Mall was supposed to?”

And Danny Gilbert lamented the fact that “Our way of life will soon be gone.”


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